There are a few cities/countries in the world that I've been to and wish to live there someday soon in this life time. Top of the list is Paris and Japan. Just last month, we got a very short notice that we can be in Tokyo for a few days, we I jump right to it. So here to share some photos from the last trip to Tokyo, Japan.
We stayed at The Westin at Meguro, this is the view on the 17th floor executive club where I had breakfast and check my emails every morning
I took public transport in Tokyo almost everyday when Randy is at work, The Westin is very close to Ebisu Station, and it is only 4 stops away from Shinjuku, there is this little florist at Shinjuku station, I just want to take everything home if I am allowed to
My friend Airi and I had tea at Pastel, they are famous for their custard, I had one and it was great.

Meji Jingu (Meji Shrine) located in Shibuya, Tokyo, I love these barrels of Sake wrapped in straws at the entrance
especially these few.... aren't they pretty?
In Japan, visitors supposed to rinse your mouth and wash your hand before entering Shrine or temple
I make my husband do this again and again until I get a good shot.... LOL
These wooden plaques are called EMA, worshippers will write their prayers and they will be hanging up at the shrine where the Kami (spirits or gods) receive them. In Japan, the common reasons for buying a plaque are for success in work or on exam, marital bliss, to have children or health.
next stop is Ginza.... where we ate the most delicious tempura meals
and found the yummiest dessert
one of the weird thing we do when we travel, is to visit grocery store, LOL, well, we are just checking out and prepare for our move here someday soon
after Ginza, the driver took us to Shibuya
this place was such an amazing mish-mash of shops, styles and people
the other weird thing other tourist won't do is walk deep into the neighborhood where you see only locals.
We found this very European local restaurant, that reminds me of Kiki, my favorite Japanese cartoon, Kiki is a witch in training, she left home at age 13, and everything is that cartoon is just so European
space is so limited in Japan, just look at this botanical parking space,
and we still wondering how they get that smart car into that space
I have more pictures to share, hope I get sometime to work on them soon
thanks for stopping by
Movie night
We went to watch Lincoln the other night, great movie.