Sunday, August 5, 2012

Cupcake anyone?

Ever since I saw this fabulous creation by Lauren Bergold, I have been wanting to make one just like hers, oh well, mine is not as pretty but I think it makes me want cupcake as well.

this is a gift card holder, the gift card was hidden underneath the pile of cream and cherry on the top

Cupcake anyone?

linking this project to the challenge over at

"Anything but a card"


Unknown said...

Oh my goodness girly.. I LOVE this. It is so cute. And Yes I would love a cupcake right about now..

Hope you are enjoying your weekend my friend..


Lea said...

So cute and creative! Looks yummy!!!

Lynnda said...

wow looks so real!!! Yummylicious Kirsty!!! You clever thing!!!... Hugs..xoxo

Audrey Frelx said...

OMG, Kirsty, your cupcake looks real!!! It really does look yummy enough to eat!

Anonymous said...

one for me please! Thanks god- no calories for me lol!


Dora said...

still want to make this, I love your take on it!!!

Ros Crawford said...

This is so lovely ... Good enough to eat!

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

OMYGOODNESS!! This is ADORABLE!!! I just loveeeeeeeeeeee it!!!!!

jacirascrap said...

hum...que delícia de projeto!!

Unknown said...

Oh I wouldn't mind one specially with no calories! Yours is delicious and beautiful.
Have a great day.
Hugs xx

Audrey Pettit said...

Wow! Uh-mazing gift card holder!

Basslady said...

a fantastic and very ymmy idea!

thanks so much for playing along with us at Ruby’s Rainbow Challenges!

hugs and kisses from germany,
silvi xoxo

Glenda Atkins said...

You know it almost does look real, what a fabulous job Kirsty, it is an amazing gift card holder!

shaz earl said...

Fabulous creation!

Thank you for joining in the fun at Ruby’s Rainbow challenges for our * Anything but a card * challenge

Hope you will join us again
Hugs Shaz x

sandi said...

Wow! This looks soooooooooooooo yummy!

Unknown said...

I really had to take a closer look, thought it was for real! Yummy!

Stella said...

I definitely want a cupcake as gorgeous as this. Love how this turned out. It;s a lovely gift; even without a giftcard :)

Sue Lelli said...

OMGosh Kirsty! This is just YUMMY! Wouldn't this be so FUN to receive!

Angela said...

Really clever and cute...I love this! Thank you for playing along with us at Ruby's Rainbow!

Sharm Nidyanandan said...

God I thought It's reall! Totally yummy my friend!! :)